Today I am thinking about how all the colours in the garden are shining bright and how everything looks crystal clear. Some days, time seems to slow down and not matter so much. There isn't that feeling of being rushed from one thing to the next. These are the days when we can really enjoy and absorb the beauty around us. These are the days when we can appreciate all we have. We have the warmth of the sun, the sound of the bees at work in the flowers, the colours of the trees and flowers in the earth, the joyous chatter of the birds busily tending their nests or feeding their young.
In my small village, the clouds often reign supreme over direct sunlight. For this reason, days like today are all the more treasured. I know that this glorious sun is heating up our forty solar panels and therefore providing us with power. Knowing that we can work with nature to provide our basic needs is very satisfying. Using a resource such as the sun helps us to take responsibility for sustaining our beautiful, bountiful earth.
Today I am grateful for all the wonders in my world!
I too am rejoicing in the sunlight.
ReplyDeleteHappy Days.
Happy days indeed!